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Swiss Life Arena campaign


Swiss Life AG


  • Campaigns
  • Visual Design

Spectacular. Your first visit to the Swiss Life Arena.

The key visuals were produced in
the Swiss Life Arena with 70 fan extras.

The key visuals were
produced in the
Swiss Life Arena with
70 fan extras.

A first sneak peek from the outside
and inside: In the fully branded tram,
people had the opportunity to get to
know the arena in advance.

«The quirkiest vehicle we've ever branded?
The ice machine certainly makes it into the top 3.»
«The quirkiest vehicle we've
ever branded? The ice
machine certainly makes
it into the top 3.»

12,000 visitors flocked to the new
Swiss Life Arena for the opening game.

12,000 visitors flocked to
the new Swiss Life Arena
for the opening game.

Any questions?

Ask us

For example, why is rosé more shrimp-colored? Why does a chicken only smile with its molars? Or why are we the way we are? (Spoiler: We would also like to know the last one ourselves.)